Vacation 2015

Saturday, August 22, 2015

SO sad to be back from my vacation. Nick and I adventured into Maine and parts of New Hampshire this past week. So many hidden gems that aren't thought of when you first think "vacation." It was first intended to be a road trip - which I guess kinda still was without the whole random places to sleep thing. I'm not really one for camping in a random place for the night. Maybe another time. We were lucky enough to stay with my family who lives just outside Portland, Maine. Filled our days with numerous adventures.
To name just a few, we visited Nubble lighthouse, York Beach's arcade, hit up Old Orchard Beach including the pier, fried oreos, & candy stores, kayaked and antiqued through Scarborough, spent an entire day exploring Portland (so many Bull Moose pit stops!) and the best thrift shopping. Headed to North Conway for pickles and candy from Zeb's, a pit-stop at Diana's Bath, and lots of beer tastings including Allagash Brewery. And like I said, that's just a few of our stops.

PS! Nick brought a GoPro and filmed random adventures from our vacation - feel free to check it out.
Cheers to roads less traveled. XO

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